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Serving in our church


For even the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve...

Mark 10:45



Use your unique gifts to help build the Kingdom of God.


At HRPC, we believe there is a difference between volunteering and serving.
Volunteering is doing things on our own time, when it is convenient for us. Volunteers ask, “How much is required of me?” Serving is different. Servants are called to humbly and obediently respond to their Master’s command and serve at the pleasure of their Master, realizing their lives and their time belong to Him. They go the extra mile in everything they do, pursuing excellence, because they believe their Master is worth the extra effort.

The church doesn’t need more volunteers; we need more servants whose lives belong fully to the Lord.

We believe that serving in the local church and in the community is vital to the continuing maturity of every believer in Christ. We want to help you grow and develop your God-given gifts and abilities as you worship Him through service.


Whether you are great with people, or prefer to stay a bit more "behind the scenes," we want to help you find your place to serve.
If you are interested in being on one of our ministry teams, we suggest the following steps:

  1. Pray for an attitude of selfless servanthood.

  2. Fill out one or more of the application forms below.

  3. Give us time to arrange for someone to contact you.

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Technical Department

Area of Ministry: Technical Engineer
Favorite Bible Verse:
The Lord your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you; in his love he will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing.”  Zephaniah 3:17
Dream Vacation: London, England
What you love best about serving in your area:
Having the opportunity to give back. Seeing the youth get involved with worship ministry.

Serving Spotlight



Hospitality Teams
Image by Sincerely Media

Our Hospitality Team members are our frontline people to show the love of Christ to others from the moment they arrive on our premises until they are ready to leave. Some of the areas where you can serve on this team include:  Door Greeters, Information Desk Hosts, Coffee Bar Attendants and Ushers. If you are interested in joining our Hospitality Team, apply below.


Worship Teams | Tech Teams
Image by Edward Cisneros

Worship Teams at HRPC have the privilege of preparing an atmosphere to encounter the presence of God every weekend. If you are a worship leader, musician or vocalist, click on the Worship Teams tab below. Also,  if you're interested in getting involved in sound, media, or video, click on the tab below.


Children's Ministries Team
Children Playing

At HRPC, we love our kids! Being part of the team that creates a safe and engaging environment for our kids to learn about Jesus is a great way to serve.  A security background check is required for all volunteer positions in this ministry. If you are interested in joining our Children's Ministries team, contact us below. 


Student Ministries Team
Image by Zachary Nelson

We believe that some of the most pivotal years in young believers' lives happens during their years in Junior High or High School. Serving with students is one of the most rewarding opportunities available! A security background check is required for all volunteer positions in this ministry. If you would like to know more, contact us below. 


Facilities Team

Our building is often filled to capacity several times each week and many events require setup, cleanup and, often, food preparation and serving. Also, with such frequent use of our facilities, there is always extra cleaning and maintenance needed. If you like hands on, practical ministry, this is the area where you can serve.


Prayer Ministry Team
Teen Prayer Group

Everything we do at HRPC begins with prayer, involves prayer, and is dependent on prayer. We have several prayer ministries where you can serve.

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